We are a group of Human Computer Interaction and design researchers at TU Wien. We believe that digital technologies can make a difference, yet we need to design them with care to serve people in positive ways. This design ethos of care and justice is embedded in all our activities as a group – may them be research or may them be teaching.
TU Wien
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Forschungsbereich Human Computer Interaction
Argentinierstrasse 8, 2. Stock E193/5
1040 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-58801-18703
For reservations of Seminarraum 187/188 please have a look at the online booking schedule first and then write an email.
We usually don’t lend our books of the institute's library out, but you are invited to drop in and sit in our library to browse and read through them. Moreover, you can search for books at the university library of TU Wien.