Head of Research Unit
Paweł W. Woźniak is professor and head of research unit at TU Wien. Previously, he was associate professor at Interaction design, Chalmers University of Technology, assistant professor for Human-Centred Computing at Utrecht University and postdoctoral fellow at the Chair for...
Sprechzeiten: MO & DI 08:00–13:00 sowie nach Terminvereinbarung
M sekretariat@igw.tuwien.ac.at / monika.zauner@tuwien.ac.at
T +43 (0)1 58801 18703
Technician at the Human-Computer Interaction department at TU Wien. Here for technical support, ordering materials and to keep everything in check.
Office Hours My office hours vary every few months, so if you wan...
Argentinierstraße 8, 5. Stock A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Human-Computer Interaction, Kognitive Psychologie/Cognitive Psychology, E-Learning, Informationsvisualisierung/Information Visualisation, Gender Studies
Argentinierstraße 8, 2. Stock A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Sprechstunde: Nach persönlicher Vereinbarung
Forschungsinteressen/Research Interests Human-Computer Interaction; Design; Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Ubiquitous Computing; Health IT.
Note I am a Retired Professor at TU Wien, as of Oct 2023, and no longer taking on BSc, MSc, PhD students or new projects. I continue as a part-time Project Assistant working on the Changing Academic Life project until end of Sept 2024 and doing consulting/training/academic development work in the remainder of my time.
Forschungsinteressen/Research Interests
Human-Computer Interaction and UX Design, Human-Centered Informatics, Game Design and Positive Impact Games, Digital Culture and Learning, Informatics and Society, Diversity in Informatics
Sprechstunde/Office hours: Tuesday 10:15-12:00 during the semester; please write email regarding out-of-semester availability.
Astrid Weiss is Assistant Professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the Vienna University of Technology. She holds a master’s degree in sociology, a PhD in social sciences and Human-Computer Interaction, and a venia docendi in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Salzburg. Sh...
Katta Spiel is the principal investigator of “Exceptional Norms: Marginalised Bodies in Interaction Design”. Additionally, they teach the lecture on “Theories and Methods” in the interdisciplinary Master’s curriculum in Gender Studies at the University of Vienna. Before that, they researched the...
Janis joined the HCI research group of TU Wien after obtaining her doctoral degree in Digital C...
I have been active in many national and EU-funded R&D projects in the area of rehabilitation engineering as a research assistant at the Vienna University of Technology. I concentrated on assistive devices for the disabled and old, electronics and informatics to help disabled persons. During the last years the focus of my work shifted to assistive robotics and smart assistive environments for the elderly (AAL).
My research interests include:
Paul has studied communication engineering at Vienna Univ. of Technology and holds a Dipl.-Ing. degree. Since 1993 Paul has been working in national and EU-funded R&D projects in the area of Rehabilitation Engineering, Assistive Technology and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).
Katharina Werner is project assistant at the HCI group and concentrates her research on the involvement of older people in design and evaluation processes of assistive technologies. She gained vast experience in this area working in a number of national and international research projects. These projects are mainly in the field of Active and (Ambient) Assisted Living (e.g. Give&Take, Softcare, LLM, KSERA and eHoome). Her expertise’s are within the areas of user experience, participatory design methods, human computer and human robot interaction especially in the field of AAL.
Naemi Luckner works at the Vienna University of Technology with a focus on game design, e-learning and sharing technologies. She has contributed work to various projects in these fields, such as ‘Aurora’, an e-learning project with the aim of letting students take responsibility of their own learning process; ‘Give&Take’, a project about creating a platform for skill and knowledge exchange within a neighbourhood; 'Lebensnetz', a game to help overcome cognitive decline through a mix of playful activities; or 'Mirror' a project developing an interface for physical therapists to use in their practice and games to motivate patients to repeat their physiotherapeutic exercises.
She is currently working as a senior lecturer at TU Wien, teaching "Ways of thinking in digital technologies" and leading the research project "Peer Review in Large Classes". She also teaches "Web Design" at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and "Level Design" at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien.
Naemi Luckner is also a game designer, has worked on the game 'Hueshift' with the independent game studio All Civilized Planets and has participated in Global Game Jams, which resulted in the games ‘Massive Machines Like The Sun’ and 'Stag Runner'.
Michael Urbanek is a young-at-heart researcher whose focus is on game design, or rather audio games. Audio games are computer games whose main focus is on sound, using as few visual aids as possible. He is active as a lecturer and researcher at various universities in Austria. In his free time he pursues various hobbies, including sports, playing computer games and watching trash TV.
Forschungsinteressen/Research Interests
Audio Games (Games with no visuals), Games, Haptic Interfaces, Interaction Interfaces, Sound, Sound Models, Tangible Interfaces, Virtual Reality
Argentinierstraße 8, 2. Stock A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Sprechstunde: Di 10:15–12:00
I have an interdisciplinary background in culture and media studies and cognitive science. Before joining the HCI group, I worked as a research assistant at the Austrian Institute of Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) and in the FWF-PEEK Neuromatic GameArt project which was a multidisciplinary collabora...
Research interests
PhD student and university assistant, currently teaching critical design, and exploring the design power of social media.
I studied Design Investigations (Mag.) at die angewandte (Vienna) and NCAD (Dublin), and my research is steeped in design practice. Before embarking on th...
Rafael Vrecar finished his Bachelor's degree in Software & Information Engineering in October 2020, the corresponding Bachelor with Honors in 2021, and the following Master's program Media and Human-Centered Computing in May 2022 – both at TU Wien. He started his PhD in June of 2022.
His research...
In the past, we worked with many amazing people, a few of our alumni are: