Profile Picture of astrid-weiss Position: Assistant Professor

Astrid Weiss is Assistant Professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the Vienna University of Technology. She holds a master’s degree in sociology, a PhD in social sciences and Human-Computer Interaction, and a venia docendi in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Salzburg. She is particularly interested in the impact technology has on everyday life and what motivates people to reject or accept technology. The reseqrch question currently driving her work is: Do we really perceive and react differently to Embodied Artificial Intelligence than to any other technology? Astrid Weiss is considered one of the pioneers in combining empirical social research and robotics. She has published in conferences such as HRI, RO-MAN, and ICSR and journals such as International Journal of Social Robotics, Autonomous Robots, and the Journal of HRI. She is a regularly member of Program and Organizing Committees related to HRI research.

(Image copyright: Luiza Puiu)

In her spare time she uses her HCI knowledge to support the start-up of her husband baningo. They develop digital business cards.

Forschungsinteressen/Research Interests Human-Robot Interaction theories and methodologies, Human-Computer Interaction theories and methodologies, Social Interfaces, Methods of empirical social research and applied statistics


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