Head of Research Unit
Paweł W. Woźniak is professor and head of research unit at TU Wien. Previously, he was associate professor at Interaction design, Chalmers University of Technology, assistant professor for Human-Centred Computing at Utrecht University and postdoctoral fellow at the Chair for Human-Computer Interaction and Socio-Cognitive Systems, University of Stuttgart.
Paweł received his PhD degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Chalmers in 2016. Paweł’s key interests lie in the intersection of technologies, sport and wellbeing. His focus is on understanding the everyday experiences of physical activity to design better technologies that support wellbeing. To this end, he conducts studies in personal informatics, building an understanding of how uses gather, process and reflect upon data about their lives.
Paweł loves to build stuff and he builds devices for sports particularly often. He also conducts research in multi-surface interactions, augmenting sensory perception and creepy experiences of interactive technologies. Paweł received numerous paper awards (CHI, MobileHCI, EICS) and assumed multiple roles of trust in the academic community (general chair of TEI'23, ISS'21, SIGCHI Poland Chair).
Tel: +43-1-58801-18735
eMail: pawel.wozniak@tuwien.ac.at