Lav4All - Lavatory for All
The utilization of a plane toilet represents difficulties for many mobility reduced persons. Often they aren’t able at all to use the on board toilet, especially within short distance or medium-haul flights. Depending on mobility restrictions various requirements for accessible on-board toilets exist which cannot be implemented because of technical limitations of the plane or because of economical conditions of the airlines.
Team: Paul Panek, Peter Mayer
Project Partners: netwiss OG, FH JOANNEUM Graz, TU - Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften, Rodlauer Consulting GmbH, FACC AG, Verein Raltec
Aim and content of the project Lavatory4All was to design barrier-free plane toilets which meet requirements of aviation regarding safety and economy and is also of use for all mobility restricted passengers. The project started in 2017 and was completed in 2019. For an overview of project results please see
- Weber, M., Rueger, B., Zagler, W., Jelinek-Nigitz, H., Mayer, P., Hatzmann, B., Rodríguez Conde, J. (2020) Lavatory4All - Technische Anforderungen an eine barrierefreie Flugzeugtoilette fuer Menschen mit eingeschraenkter Mobilitaet, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 72 (2020), 3; 98 - 102.