
XXLMontage für alle (Diversitätfördernde Individualisierung von Arbeitssystemen in der industriellen Baustellenmontage):
MAXimizeMe is a 2-years project, started in 2021 funded by Digifonds. Within MAXimizeMe we aim to achieve a better understanding of how aspects, such as age, gender, education or socioeconomic background impact the interaction with (autonomous) work systems in manufacturing or assembly.
The result of MAXimizeMe will be a collection of diversity-sensitive design guidelines that take into account relevant aspects for workforce allocation, work execution and resource provision in industrial site assembly in such a way that all employees can perform their work activities as long as possible, in a targeted manner and with optimized quality and efficiency.
Project Homepage:
Team: Astrid Weiss (Contact Person for HCI Group), Rafael Vrecar