T4ME2 Toilet4me too - Personalised toilets for active living

The T4ME2 project addresses older people and the needs they have when using a toilet outside home in semi-public environments (e.g. toilets located in community centres, shopping malls, museums, theatres, hotels).
Project Homepage: http://toiletforme.com/ and http://www.toilet4me-project.eu/t4me2.html
Team: Paul Panek, Peter Mayer
The short previous Toilet4me project studied the development and provision of an ICT-enhanced toilet system which is able to adapt itself to the individual needs and preferences of the older person currently using the toilet similar to the iToilet project for home use.
Toilet4me explored the new application area to learn more about market, customer, user-related and technological issues before setting up a focussed larger RTD project. Based on the promising results the larger AAL innovation project T4ME2 is demonstrating and evaluating suitable ICT enhanced toilet solutions.
A picture of the final prototype for real-life evaluation intalled at a test site in Poland can be seen here: http://toiletforme.com/2022/10/12/test-it-for-real/.
The project T4ME2 started in March 2020 and runs until Feburary 2023.