Toilet4me - Personalised toilets for active living

The Toilet4me project addressed older people and the needs they have when using a toilet outside home in semi-public environments (e.g. toilets located in community centres, shopping malls, museums, theatres, hotels).
Project Homepage:
Team: Paul Panek, Peter Mayer
The vision of Toilet4me was to develop and provide an ICT-enhanced toilet system which is able to adapt itself to the individual needs and preferences of the older person currently using the toilet.
Toilet4me explored the new application area to learn more about market, customer, user-related and technological issues before setting up a focussed larger RTD project. The composition of the consortium allowed to carry out the study and based on promising results to thoroughly prepare a following large AAL innovation project which was accepted for funding.
The new project T4ME2 started in 2020.