There are some reason why to use Pine rather than Outlook Express:
- Pine is more reliable, flexible and faster than Outlook Express and
can handle tons of mail.
- The security and privacy are more in Pine rather than Outlook
- With Outlook Express, the user does not have enough control of how
message and attachments are displayed (more email bugs messages are
displayed). But this is not the case with Pine because when Pine
renders HTML, it does not display graphics and thus it neither sucks
the graphic down from the server nor logs that one has opened the
- Pine was designed not to display HTML messages at all, by setting
the feature prefer-plain-text in Pine configuration.
- A problem of using HTML messages, is that it may contain scripts
which restrict privacy or infect the system.
- Pine is much better than Outlook Express, in that the user can have
many mailboxes or thousands of messages in a single mailbox.